A Seat at the Table

by Melissa Rogozinski, Chief Executive Officer This month marks the 4th Anniversary of RPC Strategies. Public reception of our brand at industry […]

by Melissa Rogozinski, Chief Executive Officer

This month marks the 4th Anniversary of RPC Strategies.

Public reception of our brand at industry conferences in Q1 2023 has been exciting, rewarding and humbling.  It seems RPC Strategies has secured its seat at the proverbial table in legal tech, and today, especially, I want to say thank you for supporting and partnering with us.

Our legal tech community is very special and unique, and we all have a role in writing a new narrative about what it means to sit at the table in our rapidly evolving, post-pandemic virtual workplace.

What does it actually mean to have a seat at the table?

Candidly, I sat down with ChatGPT to find out what it had to say because I didn’t want this to be a personal opinion piece.  AI may increasingly propel our industry, but it cannot replace the human touch or emotional intelligence, nor does it know my writing voice or you, RPC’s audience.  The Q&A conversation below was researched, reviewed and edited by ChatGPT, me and two of RPC’s consultants.

With that said, let’s discuss the who, what, when, where and why of having a seat at the table.

Who gets a seat at the table? 

The question of who gets a “seat at the table” is an important one, as it speaks to issues of power, privilege, and representation. In many cases, those who hold positions of authority or have access to resources are more likely to have a seat at the table. This can include leaders of organizations, decision-makers, or individuals with significant financial resources.

Meaningful efforts to broaden participation and ensure that diverse perspectives are represented at the table are long overdue and, thankfully, have become increasingly common. Having a broad range of voices at the table results in more effective and equitable decision-making and leads to greater buy-in from the businesses and communities affected by those decisions.

What does it mean to have a “seat at the table”?

The metaphorical “table” refers to the forum where decision-makers convene to discuss critical issues, and those with a “seat” are recognized as essential contributors to the conversation.

Those with a “seat” are often considered experts in their field and bring a unique perspective that enriches the decision-making process.

Having a “seat at the table” can be a powerful tool for influencing outcomes, advocating for interests, and ensuring that diverse perspectives are heard and valued.

When does someone get a seat at the table?

Someone typically gets a “seat at the table” when they are recognized as a valuable contributor to a group or organization, and their perspective and expertise are considered essential to the decision-making process. However, it’s important to note that not all individuals or groups are given an equal opportunity to earn a seat at the table.

Structural barriers such as systemic bias, discrimination, and lack of access to resources and networks can make it more challenging for underrepresented groups to gain a foothold in decision-making processes.

Where should one sit at the table?

If you have a seat at the table, you’re likely not sitting.  This speaks to the idea that having a seat at the table comes with a responsibility to actively engage in the conversation, contribute to decision-making, and advocate for the interests of the group or organization. Simply occupying a seat without actively participating does little to advance the goals of the group or organization.

Therefore, those with a seat at the table should approach their role with a sense of purpose, a commitment to collaboration, and a willingness to take action to drive meaningful outcomes.

Why is a seat at the table important?

First, it provides individuals with the opportunity to contribute to the vision and strategy of the organization. Second, a seat at the table is often associated with leadership roles, and provides individuals with the opportunity to build relationships, develop new skills, and advance their careers. Finally, having a seat at the table also comes with a sense of team, collaboration, and shared responsibility.

By participating in decision-making and contributing to the success of the organization, individuals become part of a shared vision and mission. This sense of collective ownership can lead to increased engagement and motivation, as well as a shared sense of responsibility and accountability for the organization’s outcomes and impact.

Celebrating Four Years of RPC Strategies

I have served this great industry since 1994 as a paralegal, sales executive, and serial entrepreneur.  During that time, I have amassed a vast catalogue of experiences, failures and successes that, ultimately, gave birth to the former ESI Roundtable (ESIRT) and now, RPC Strategies.

The future looks bright for our consulting firm.  Just in the first quarter of 2023, we experienced personality recognition and positive buzz about our Dream Team at events, received unsolicited accolades in LinkedIn posts by other industry colleagues and leaders, and have been interviewed by several industry thought leaders.  We also hosted our first ALM Video Expert Perspective  and were included with an elite short list of legal tech marketers in “Ask the Marketer” published Law.com on March 30, 2023.

RPC Strategies’ Dream Team is a steady and strong force.  We care for our clients.  We respect our team.  We push forward always (even through a global pandemic).  We refuse to be outworked!  We can’t wait to see what the future holds and look forward to sharing it with you!

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